Thursday, February 19, 2015

World Class Evening with Chef Bob Waggoner

We have had only brief glancing encounters with World Class people be it those in sports, arts or politics. An evening with Bob Waggoner in his "cooking class" brought home what a World Class chef can do. He graciously lead us through cooking a fabulous meal with superb wines all the while with good humor and demonstrations of his expertise. Should you come to Charleston and do not avail yourself of the opportunity he provides you are missing something very, very good.

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Deny vaccination but protect others!

 Parents hold the primary responsibility for the care and growth of their children. The are the final arbiters of what they eat how they are clothed and their education. The retain the right to decide if their children should get vaccinated or not.
If they decide they do not want their children vaccinated they are obliged to protect the general population from any infections their children may acquire. That requires that parents of un-vaccinated children restrict their kids from mixing with others. They should not be allowed in schools or other venues where any diseases they may have will be transmitted to others. When people insists on their rights they are not exempted from the consequences of their insistence. Everyone must insure that their actions do no harm.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Prioritize: Don't Make Famlies Scrounge

House hold income slipped dramatically from 2007 until the present. Families have less to spend and given the constant increase in prices for necessities even buying necessities present challenges. We learn daily of our politicians and lobbying groups calling for tax increases for: infrastructure, education, environment and prisons to name a few. Senator Hollings wants a value added tax slapped on everyone and everything.
Of course, each additional tax subtracts from what families have to spend on living, driving their living standards even further. First we need to make sure our current taxes go to programs that most need them. It is called prioritizing. Everyone, every business does this when the funds don't cover the "wants". Second, we must not snatch more from hard pressed families.
And third, anyone who wants to raise taxes for a specific need ought therefore identify which current government program should be terminated to pay for it. The legislature then, if they agree, drops the low priority program and funds the higher priority one.
For instance, the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce is lobbying hard for taxing gas to fund infrastructure improvements. They should at the same time lobby for the state program they want cancelled to pay for that.
Of course, the Chamber would catch hell from those who like the low priority program and would have to defend why it should be terminated.
My guess is that will not happen either with the Chamber or any legislator. They do not want to take grief but do want to feel the kudos of those who get the tax increase and who are probably financial supporters of the Chamber or the legislator.
Do not raise taxes and punish the middle class who are struggling to stay above water. Chop the less useful programs and fund the most useful ones. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Necessary Steps to Defeat Jihadist II

Many of the millions of Muslims living in Europe sequester themselves in neighborhoods densely packed with fellow Muslims.Many do not work living off the generous welfare provided by socialist governments. They do not assimilate but get all their news entertainment and cultural maintenance from their home Islamic country through satellite TV. These neighborhoods earn the moniker "dish" cities. The other name for these neighborhoods is "no go zone" as non-Muslims find them dangerous. The police do not keep normal order but only pretend to be in charge.
These are perfect places for terrorists to stage their attacks on the accepting country. Terrorists can spend months gathering their weaponry, recruiting and planning without fear of a neighbor ratting them out.
The police must bring normal order and safety to the "no go zones" so non-violent citizens will feel safe in reporting suspicious people thus going far to thwart future attacks. It should be made known that those who do not report crimes or potential crimes are accessories to that crime.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Necesary Steps to Defeat Jihadist

The foundation for a war against any enemy lies in good intelligence. The more understood about the enemies capabilities, intentions and commanders the more effective the military operation will be. Currently, the United States has chosen to kill, usually with a drone attack, those that could reveal intelligence on their fellow murders.

It is apparent, that if we wish to be successful we must instead of killing sources, capture them. Once secure we must interrogate them for all the information they have and then feed that into the larger intelligence picture. This will save American lives and those of our allies.

To secure them we need a POW camp equipped to house them humanely and securely with all the apparatus needed for successful interrogations. This POW camp would best be an island within easy range of the United States Navy to thwart any attempt to free the prisoners.

We already have such a facility but our current president will close it, continue killing good intelligence sources and constraining those sworn to protect us as he has sworn to protect us.

Thursday, January 08, 2015

Saying that ISIS, ISIL and Al Qaeda are not about Islam is like saying the Crusades were not about Christianity!

Friday, April 04, 2014

Fort Hood Gun Control and Shame

Fort Hood  Gun Control and Shame
Anyone whose profession centers on using weapons knows and respects the damage they can do and no one holds this responsibility more respectfully than the US military. In my day and I suspect now weapons and ammunition get careful attention particularly inside domestic military installations.
Weapons reside in locked arms rooms, issued only when needed for training or parades. Ammunition seldom co-resides with the weapons. When training at the range, the ammunition is issued at the point of firing. The exact number of rounds gets logged. At the end of the range training every round is accounted for in that every casing is policed, counted and logged. If even on round or casing is missing, everyone keeps looking no matter how long it takes. The weapons, after cleaning, must be returned to the arm's room, logged and inventoried. Military bases are essentially gun free except for the police.
In Charleston we have the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center charged with training all federal law enforcement personnel from the US Marshalls to the Fish and Wildlife folks. No one gets through the gate with their weapon. All must pass through the Visitor's Center where they deposit their weapons and ammunition to be retrieved on their way out.
It seems more than strange then that Bloomberg and Reid demand more gun control keying offr this last incident at Fort Hood. It shows they do not care about the facts or evidence but obsess solely on their agenda to disarm Americans. They conviently ignoring the fact that cities, Democratic administered cities, with the most stringent gun control laws have the highest gun caused murder rates. Chicago under Mayor Rahm Emanuel stands as the poster child for this. It makes about as much sense as snatching forks from the obese. Their attempts to corrupt the 2nd Amendment is shameful